Living Library


The YWCA Gettysburg and the Adams County Library System are excited to host our second annual Living Library experience! It takes place during the fourth week in April and is loosely based on the global Human Library® initiative. Join us for an opportunity to engage in conversations with human 'books,' where individuals share their unique life experiences and perspectives. New for 2024, sessions will be held at library branches throughout the county, offering both small group sessions and one-on-one interactions. 

The Living Library is loosely based off the The Human Library, which is a unique concept that originated in Denmark in 2000 and has since spread to many countries around the world. It's essentially an event where people, known as "human books," volunteer to share their personal stories and experiences with others. These human books come from diverse backgrounds and may have faced various challenges, stereotypes, or discrimination based on aspects such as race, religion, sexuality, disability, or occupation.

Participants in the Human Library can "check out" these human books for a limited period, usually around 30 minutes, during which they engage in one-on-one or group conversations. The goal is to promote dialogue, empathy, understanding, and challenge prejudices by allowing people to directly interact with individuals they might not typically encounter in their daily lives.

The Human Library aims to break down barriers, foster empathy, and promote a more inclusive society by encouraging open-mindedness and dialogue. It's often organized by libraries, schools, universities, community centers, and other organizations as a way to promote diversity, tolerance, and understanding.


Click on a presenter and time below. 



Debra McCauslin

Little Apple Picker

I researched the burning of an African-American church near Biglerville and wrote a book about it called Yellow Hill. I picked fruit there as a child on my grandfather’s farm and found many secrets in the hills. I discovered the Underground Railroad in Adams County and created a tour company while working full-time. I started a business and did speeches all over the New England states. I’m a community activist and supporter and I have served on many boards and committees starting events that are held annually in Gettysburg. I did a film on Adams County’s history. I aid others by giving sources for doctorate research. I nominated several sites to the NPS National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. 

All the while, I was undergoing horrific narcissistic abuse. From a failed 38 year marriage, I have emerged after five years of trauma survival mostly during the isolation of the pandemic. 

I’m feeling my joy again, but my message is to alert others to narcissists and to see the signs so others don’t get trapped like I did for nearly 4 decades only to be the subject of a smear campaign where lost so many precious family members who believed his lies. It’s a story of love and work and abuse and forgiveness and healing.


Friday, April 26

Debra McCauslin

2:00 PM


Debra McCauslin

3:00 PM


**indicates Small Group Presentation


Erica Duffy

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Erica will share a deeply personal journey through being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and then living with that diagnosis. She will share not only personal challenges, but also the positive changes she has been able to make for herself and others. Please note that the topic of suicide may be included in the discussion and mental health resources will be available if needed.


Thursday, April 25

Erica Duffy

2:00 PM


Friday, April 26

Erica Duffy

12:00 PM

East Berlin


Erica Duffy

12:45 PM

East Berlin



Wendy Allen

Lincoln into Art

Through the use of Abraham Lincoln's iconic face in my artwork, I explore the concept of history within the perspective , composition, color, and texture. I paint the collision of compassion and courage, sacrifice and determination.


Thursday, April 25

Wendy Allen

11:00 AM



Kathy Gelner

Life in the Foreign Service

I was a spouse of a US Foreign Service Officer for 15 years and then joined myself for the next 21 years. Spending about half of the time overseas, we lived in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Austria, Bulgaria, and Germany. Most of the time I was a consular officer providing services to Americans living or traveling overseas.


Thursday, April 25

Kathy Gelner

10:00 AM


Kathy Gelner

10:45 AM


Friday, April 26

Kathy Gelner

1:00 PM


Kathy Gelner

1:45 PM



Carla Christopher

One Stop Diversity Shop

Intersex, lesbian, Black-Spanish-Romani-Jewish, living with disability...who also happens to be an ELCA Lutheran pastor


Wednesday, April 24

Carla Christopher

5:00 PM


Carla Christopher

5:45 PM


Carla Christopher

6:30 PM


Thursday, April 25

Carla Christopher

1:30 PM


Carla Christopher

2:15 PM


Carla Christopher

3:00 PM




Rita Frealing

Growing in Gettysburg

Growing up in Gettysburg


Wednesday, April 24

Rita Frealing

11:00 AM


Rita Frealing

11:45 AM


Thursday, April 25

Rita Frealing

12:00 PM


Rita Frealing

12:45 PM




Judy Leslie

My Eyes Were Opened

Leslie, who has been an advocate for migrant and refugee families, recounts the success story of two Burmese refugee families who learned English, gained employment, became Habitat for Humanity homeowners, and earned U.S. citizenship. As a member of the Gettysburg Refugee Resettlement Project, she will also share the stories of the two Afghan refugee families who recently settled in our community.


Wednesday, April 24

Judy Leslie

10:00 AM


Judy Leslie

10:30 AM



James Witt

Weikerts Bakery, a local institution

Weikerts Bakery was a Littlestown community fixture from 1926 to 1996. I'll describe how it evolved over the years and what operating it was like.

Wednesday, April 24

James Witt

12:00 PM


James Witt

12:45 PM



Marietta Witt

I've Been Here Forever

I'm 81 and have lived in Littlestown my whole life, but more than that, my family has been here - mostly in the Littlestown area - since 1753. Nancy Lilly thinks that's interesting.  Maybe other people would think so, too.

Wednesday, April 24

Marietta Witt

12:00 PM


Marietta Witt

12:45 PM



Jeff Colvin

Following Oppenheimer

This “book” recounts some stories along the way to a life in science and nuclear weapons policy. Little did the book know at the time it was a graduate student studying quantum physics with a professor who had himself learned quantum physics from Oppenheimer that it would be following Oppenheimer to Los Alamos, where it worked with veterans of the Manhattan Project and, again following Oppenheimer, got involved in efforts in arms control.  

Wednesday, April 24

Jeff Colvin

6:00 PM


Thursday, April 25

Jeff Colvin

5:00 PM


Jeff Colvin

5:45 PM


Jeff Colvin

6:30 PM


Friday, April 26


Jeff Colvin

10:45 AM


Jeff Colvin

11:30 AM



****means small group presentation