The Friends of the New Oxford Library
122 N. Peter Street New Oxford, PA 17350
Be a Friend of the New Oxford Library!
The Friends of the New Oxford Library support the Adams County Library at New Oxford by raising funds for materials and programs – providing volunteer help as needed – assisting with programs, events, and public relations – Friends advocate for libraries!
The Friends of the New Oxford Library have established two endowment funds -- the Children's Endowment and the General Books Endowment. These named endowments are permanent funds invested by the Adams County Library System. Each year, the interest generated is used to purchase library materials. Over 100 items were added to the collection in 2017. Contributions of any amount can be added to these funds & this is a wonderful way to honor or remember someone special. Speak to the librarian for further information.
Information about joining the Friends of the New Oxford Library is available in the library.
- Friends help by raising funds for materials and programs.
- They provide volunteer help as needed.
- They assist with programs events and public relations.
- They are advocates for libraries!
Become a member, join the board, support the fundraisers throughout the year! Click here to become a member.