Read a story on yard signs as you take a walk in the beautiful Carroll Valley Park!
January 1 - January 31 The Great Indoors by Julie Falatko
Gettysburg Library
140 Baltimore Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
United States
Trone Memorial Library
105 Locust Street
P.O. Box 1014
East Berlin, PA 17316
United States
Carroll Valley Library
5685 Fairfield Road
Carroll Valley, PA 17320
United States
Harbaugh-Thomas Library
59 W. York Street
Biglerville, PA 17307
United States
Littlestown Library
232 North Queen Street
Littlestown, PA 17340
United States
New Oxford Area Library
122 North Peter Street
New Oxford, PA 17350
United States
Read a story on yard signs as you take a walk in the beautiful Carroll Valley Park!
January 1 - January 31 The Great Indoors by Julie Falatko
Join us at the library for stories, songs, and a craft.
*Please note there is no storytime on 12/26 & 12/27
On the first and third Thursdays of each month, bring your machine and current project. This group gets together to work on charity quilts as well as personal projects. Beginners welcome.
Adults and Teens
Join us for some sparkly fun. Bring your own project, or once a month select a small kit from our collection!
Children in grades K-5 are invited to the library for an afterschool snack along with some stories.
Sign up for a 15-minute session with a sweet, furry friend! Practice reading to KPets Therapy dog, Danny.
Register by visiting or calling the library at 717-624-2182.
Children/youth ages 8-14 are invited to the library to learn some basic cake decorating skills. Each month we will learn how to use a new tip and make a new pattern or design. Supplies will be provided. Registration Requi
Join our teen book club and discover new books and graphic novels!
Bring a snack to share. Ages 13-18.
January's selection - The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare